Thursday, April 19, 2012

Structure of thought : PeggyAnn Swopes

Cognitive thinking continues to develop past Piaget's formal operation stage into postformal thought for early adulthood. As adolescents the preferred idealistic perspective gives way to personal effort and social experiences that exist because of increased rational, flexible, and practical ways of thinking through uncertain situations. William Perry developed the Epistemic Cognition which is the ability to reflect on how one arrived at certain facts, beliefs and ides. In obtaining a conclusion that is different from others a rational thinker will consider if the conclusion is justified and based on knowledge. The ability to separate beliefs and propositions by dividing information values, and authority into right, wrong, good, bad, we and they is dualistic thinking. When early adults become aware of differing opinions on many topics they abandon the ideal of absolute truth and begin to seek multiple truths. Aware that each person has a position the relativistic thinker develops their own truth based off of many possible truths. Ideals become less individualized. Developing the realizing that options can be evaluated rather than be a opinion is a sophisticated approach to learning. It is the act of seeking out differing perspectives for knowledge and understanding. Commitment within relativistic thinking is choosing between opposing views and formulating a satisfying perspective that synthesizes contradictions. The ability to advance in epistemic cognition comes from growth in metacognition which is likely to occur from situations that are challenging to one's perspective and force rationality of their thought process. Individual reflection about one's own thinking and peer group interaction develops reflection, competing for ones ideas, strategies and coordinating opposing perspectives.

1 comment:

  1. You are right on with your logic here. Very well done and it is possible for people to contradict other concepts and come to terms with their own ideas. - Sam Dillé
