Sunday, April 1, 2012

STD's and Your Teen

Natalie Rhoton

Sexually Transmitted Diseases, STD’s, are a very serious issue that is often swept under the rug of society.  This is an issue that many people do not like to talk about, let alone parents talking to their children about the issue.  In early adolescents there are so many changes in a young person, between the estrogen in young girls bringing about development and menarche and the androgens in young males gathering interest in sex, hormones are on the rise.  If young teens are not educated early on about practicing safe sex, their changes increase the chances of contracting an STD.  There are several different types of STD’s, some which are curable, but there are some which there are no cure.  AID’s is the most serious STD, but there are other STD’s that have no cure, and can be life altering. 

Parents, this is a very important time in your child’s life.  No matter how uncomfortable the conversation may be, early adolescents are the time to start talking to your pre-teens and teens about the importance of protection.  Parents also need to educate your selves to the dangers of STD’s and how they are transmitted.  Education is always the best protection.


  1. I think this is great! I think so many parents depend on the child's school to educate them about about sex and STD's, but little do they know they may have a greater impact on their child's abstinence if they would just work through the awkwardness. By doing this it could save their child from regret, pregnancy, and STD's.

  2. I hope as generations grow so will parenting styles. This is such an important topic for parents to have with their children.
    -Jennifer Hancock

  3. I agree so with so much of what you said. It is uncomfortable for everyone involved to discuss safe sex and STD’s. What is more uncomfortable is when you are taking your child to the doctor because you did NOT discuss it. We need to let you children know about the risk and dangers of what is out there, but also do it in a relatable, realistic way. Nice job.
    Samantha York

  4. I believe that sex education,STD and STD prevention should be thought at the onset of teenage life because teens today are more advanced physical and mentally than in the past. Back when i was growing up as a teen we could even say anything about sex or boys, it was more like a taboo subject for most parents because some believe that if you talk about sex to teenagers , they are more likely to go against your advice to have it anyway. But without sex education and STD prevention strategies teens would not know how to handle sexual advances directed towards them. I think parents should give teens more credit than they think because teens are able to make better choices when given the the tools to make those choices.

  5. Above Comment or Comment #4 by Nkechi Anyanwu
